Unit 6 Health and Exercise (You May Scoff) Class 11 English Exercise

Welcome to this informative blog post, where we offer a complete solution for Unit 6 Health and Exercise (You May Scoff), a Class 11 English Exercise. Authored by Emma Young, this story contains all the necessary Questions and Answers with a focus on grammar, ways with words, comprehension, critical thinking, and writing.

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 Unit 6 Health and Exercise (You May Scoff) Class 11 English Exercise 

Welcome to this informative blog post, where we offer a complete solution for Unit 6 Health and Exercise (You May Scoff), a Class 11 English Exercise. Authored by Emma Young, this story contains all the necessary Questions and Answers with a focus on grammar, ways with words, comprehension, critical thinking, and writing.

At Edubook Ram Kumar Sah, we understand the importance of staying up-to-date with educational materials, which is why we urge you to follow us for regular updates. By following us, you'll gain access to valuable study materials and resources.

If you're looking for a comprehensive solution for Unit 6 Health and Exercise (You May Scoff), look no further than this blog post. Our goal is to provide and give you with all the solution of this chapter you need to succeed in this exercise. For Summary Scroll Down 👇

Unit 6 Health and Exercise (You May Scoff) Class 11 English Exercise ram kumar sah

Complete Solution Of You May Scoff Unit 6 Health and Exercise

In this blog post we provide you with the complete Exercise for your  understand the importance of covering all aspects of your learning,  comprehensive solutions including Grammar, Comprehension, Critical Thinking, and Writing. we also provide a Summary to help you understand the key concepts and takeaways from the material. By providing you with all the necessary tools for success, 

Unit 6 Health and Exercise (You May Scoff) Class 11 English Exercise


Summary of Unit 6 Health and Exercise (You May Scoff)

 [ Source : This Summary is taken from Education Guide Youtube Channel you can visit to see more video .] 

 Writer-  Emma Young

Adiposity The latin term adiposity means = severe or morbid overweight. An increasing overweight is associated with a growing risk for diseases, which are associated with obesity. A rough measure for obesity is the body-mass-index (BMI).

If you over-eat and under exercise you will gain weight. However, growing evidence suggests that other factors also contribute to excess adiposity.

➤ David Allison at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, he discovered that humans are not alone in piling on the pounds. He looked at wild animals, lab animals, even animals kept on the same highly controlled diets for decades.

According to researchers, there are six ways to lose weight.

1. Get Vaccinated

This holiday season, you might need to buy up on new clothes in addition to tissues if you get a cold. Adenovirus-36 (AD-36), which was identified by Nikhil Dhurandhar of the Pennington Biomedical Research Centre in Louisiana, increases both the number of fat cells in the body and the quantity of fat inside these cells. Additionally, he discovered that those who are obese are almost three times more likely than those who are of a healthy weight to test positive for AD-36 antigens, which signify a prior or present infection. According to another study, kids with AD-36 antigens weighed 23 kg more on average than kids without them. Although no one is certain, the "fat effect" of AD-36 may last for several years in people. Ten additional microorganisms have been found to increase animal fat, according to reports. Although it may seem concerning, this could be excellent news for those trying to lose weight. "Vaccination could be a potentially very simple and effective prevention strategy if indeed some infections do contribute to obesity in people," claims Dhurandhar.

2. Chill

While constant stress can have the opposite impact, intense stress tends to cause people to lose weight. Therefore, take a deep breath and try not to be upset by the holiday family arguments for the sake of your waistline. Stress increases activity in the ventral striatum, an area connected to reward and habit, according to studies on brain imaging conducted by Rajita Sinha, head of the Yale Stress Centre at Yale University. So, she explains, "it increases craving for high-calorie foods in those who already regularly eat them." She advises mindfulness, stress management, and meditation practices in place of calorie tracking to help you develop an awareness of how your thoughts and behavior might harm your health. They can assist in exerting restraint over irrational cravings and stress-related 

Although it seems evident that shivering consumes energy, you don't need to be extremely cold for this to happen. White fat is the predominant form of fat on our bodies. However, brown fat, which is plentiful in infants and which adults primarily store around their necks, begins to burn energy to warm you up when temperatures drop below roughly 18°C.

3. Watch the packaging

You may want to pay attention to the packaging your food is packaged in in addition to the nutritional labeling. Evidence is beginning to link some of the endocrine disruptor chemicals found in some plastic containers and cans to rising waistlines. These chemicals have the potential to seep into food and beverages. The way that hormones normally act is altered by endocrine disrupters. Many disrupt the thyroid's ability to generate the hormones that control metabolic rate. One class of chemicals, phthalates, also appears to activate the PPAR-gamma (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor) receptor in the cell nucleus, which is implicated in fat storage and glucose metabolism. Men had a greater Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist Circumference, according to research done in 2010 by a Boston University team under the direction of Elizabeth Hatch

It is difficult to avoid these compounds, and there is ongoing discussion on whether they are dangerous or not. However, PVC packaging with the recycling designation "Type 3" should be avoided since it may contain phthalates or bisphenol A. Also, use extra caution when purchasing fatty meals because they have a tendency to collect endocrine disruptors, which could pose a double threat.

4. Turn down the lights

It's not only the extra calories you need to be concerned about if lifting beer glasses late at night is your notion of a holiday workout. Even though they consumed the same total amount of calories and exercised the same amount, Randy Nelson and his team at Ohio State University in Columbus discovered that mice exposed to light at night weighed 10% more at the end of the eight-week study than mice who had experienced a standard light/dark cycle. Shift workers tend to gain weight, according to numerous previous research. According to Nelson, nighttime light may change a person's circadian clock genes and modify their metabolism. It's challenging to identify a suitable light cycle for everyone, he continues. However, he advises maintaining a regular schedule during the week and, if at all possible, avoiding blue light at night (New Scientist, 7 May, p.44). These are known to be particularly disruptive to the circadian rhythm and are produced by numerous LED lamps.

5. Move to the country

Outside exercise can only be beneficial in the fight against the bulge, unless you live in a congested city. Polluted air can increase your risk of type 2 diabetes by making your cells less sensitive to insulin and causing additional fat to build up around your abdomen. According to Xiaohua Xu of Ohio State University, "we think that air pollution plays a very important role in the current obesity epidemic." After 10 weeks, Xu observed that young mice exposed to air that was significantly contaminated with fine particles for six hours per day, five days per week, had around 50% more belly fat than mice that were fed the same chow but were given filtered air to breathe. Additionally, the blood levels of tumour necrosis factor-alpha, a protein linked in inflammation, were higher in the obese mice. This, according to Xu, may assist to explain the modifications made to their fat cells as well as the decline in their insulin sensitivity. According to a different study (Diabetes Care, vol. 33, p. 2196), there is a significant correlation between fine particulate air pollution levels and the prevalence of type 2 diabetes among North Americans. The research's principal investigator, John Pearson at Harvard University, said, "We were surprised that the association held up as well as it did. Even if you can afford to relocate outside of the city, fine particles can blow across the world, making it impossible to completely avoid them. If you have a choice, however it still might be worth picking a rural ramble over an urban jog.

6. Have a lie-in

The fact that getting too little sleep can cause you to gain weight may be all the justification you need to spend extra time in bed over the holidays. According to research by Simona Bo of the University of Turin in Italy, adults who gained weight during the course of her six-year study slept on average for around 6.3 hours per night as opposed to roughly 7.2 hours for those who kept a healthy body weight. Even after her team included other significant factors contributing to obesity, such as poor levels of physical exercise, the relationship between sleep and weight persisted.Children between the ages of 3 and 5 who sleep less than the recommended 11 hours each night are also more likely to be overweight or obese by the time they are 7 years old, according to research by Rachael Taylor at the University of Otago in New Zealand. BMJ, volume 342, page 2712 Lack of sleep lowers levels of the appetite-suppressing hormone leptin and raises levels of the appetite-stimulating hormone ghrelin. Taylor adds, "Or it might be as simple as less sleep = more time to eat. In either case, staying in bed for an extra hour is far preferable to working out.

You can also watch You Tube video for more understanding. 

Conclusion : Hope you read all and enjoy. Share it with your friends. Don't forget to give feed back in comment to improve my skills. You Can also check below link to read more . 

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