पाठ ५ साथीलाई चिठी कक्षा ११ नेपाली अभ्यास | Unit 5 Sathilai Chithi Class 11 Nepali Exercise

The essay "Sathilai Chithi" is introduced to students in Nepali Class 11 Unit 5. The emotion of being homesick and missing loved ones is discussed in this article. Students are given a complete solution to this exercise, which includes all the questions' answers, a synopsis, and other crucial details pertaining to the essay. Students can deepen their comprehension of the essay with this activity, as well as their writing and linguistic skills. It is crucial to follow Edubook Ram Kumar Sah for thorough and trustworthy study materials, and to distribute this activity among classmates to promote group learning.

 पाठ ५ साथीलाई चिठी कक्षा ११ नेपाली अभ्यास

Unit 5 Sathilai Chithi Class 11 Nepali Exercise

पाठ ५   साथीलाई चिठी कक्षा ११ नेपाली अभ्यास | Unit 5 Sathilai Chithi Class 11 Nepali Exercise ram kumar sah

Exercise of Unit 5 Sathilai Chithi 

Sathilai Chithi, Unit 5 of Class 11 Nepali, comprises a thorough exercise with many different parts, including answer questions, summaries, sabda bhandar, and grammatical writing. Students have the chance to learn more about the material and hone their language abilities through the practice. Students can show that they comprehend the concepts and messages presented in the text by responding to the questions and writing a summary. Students can increase their vocabulary and acquire accustomed to the use of new terms in context by participating in the sabda bhandar component. Students can improve their language mechanics and gain an understanding of how to apply grammar correctly in writing by taking the grammar writing section. Overall, this activity is a great opportunity for kids to improve their Nepali language skills and learning.  For Summary Scroll Down 👇

Unit 5 Sathilai Chithi Class 11 Nepali Exercise पाठ ५   साथीलाई चिठी कक्षा ११ नेपाली अभ्यास  Summary

Unit 5 Sathilai Chithi Class 11 Nepali Exercise Summary पाठ ५   साथीलाई चिठी कक्षा ११ नेपाली अभ्यास  page2

Summary Of Sathi lai Chithi 

The main character of Sathi Lai Chithi is a man who has left the country. He believes that earning a living through employment in Nepal is difficult and insufficient. He has therefore traveled to a foreign nation with the intention of making a lot of money there. But when his condition deteriorates, everything changes.

The Nepali book for class 11 includes a chapter titled "Sathi lai chithi," which is an inspiring story about the love for one's homeland. Nepal is a developing country where the communication system is not fully developed yet, so people still use post offices for communication. Letters are also used for job applications and approval from authorities. As letter writing is still an essential skill in Nepal, this chapter has been included in the compulsory unit 5 of the Nepali book for grade 11.

Up until he becomes unwell, everything is fine. After being let go from his job, he is thereafter unable to work. He struggled to survive because he didn't invest or save any money. He thinks of his native Nepal when he is in this location. He believes that if he had been in Nepal, he wouldn't currently be without a home or a job. After leaving for the country, he hadn't written or called his aging parents at home. Now that he understands everything, he writes his friend a letter. He describes his suffering there, how he had previously spent money, and how life suddenly smacked him in the head. He makes an agreement to go back to Nepal and carry out his plans with zeal.

Sathi Lai Chithi is a chapter in unit 5 of the updated class 11 Nepali textbook. You will also understand exactly how to complete all of the questions and answers for this chapter after reading this article. 

It is hoped that the Sathilai Chithi 11 notes will be beneficial for the 11th graders. These notes have made the class 11 Nepali new book's Sathi lai Chithi easier.


Try this question with yourself with sample example 

११. दिइएको आवश्यकतासम्बन्धी विज्ञापन पढ्नुहोस् र त्यस्तै किसिमको एउटा विज्ञापनको नमुना तयार पार्नुहोस् ।

कर्मचारी आवश्यकतासम्बन्धी विज्ञापन

(प्रथम पटक प्रकाशन मिति २०७७/०३/२२)

अन्नपूर्ण माध्यमिक विद्यालय, चामे, मनाङको पदपूर्ति समितिको

आवश्यकतासम्बन्धी सूचना

यस विद्यालयमा रिक्त रहन गएको लेखा सहायक पदको खुला प्रतियोगिताद्वारा स्थायी पदपूर्ति गर्नुपर्ने भएकाले यो सूचना प्रकाशन गरिएको छ। देहायबमोजिमका योग्यता पुगेका नेपाली नागरिकबाट यो सूचना प्रकाशन भएको ३५ दिनभित्रमा दरखास्त आहवान गरिन्छ । म्याद सकिएको मितिबाट सात दिनसम्म दोब्बर दस्तुर तिरी दरखास्त दिन सकिने छ ।

दरखास्तका साथ पासपोर्ट साइजको फोटो दुईप्रति र शैक्षिक योग्यताका प्रमाण पत्र तथा नागरिकताको प्रमाणित प्रतिलिपि दुई दुई प्रति पेस गर्नुपर्ने छ । दरखास्तबापत लाग्ने दस्तुर रु.१००० (एक हजार रुपियाँ मात्र) यसै विद्यालयको नेपाल बैङ्क, चामे, मनाङ शाखामा रहेको खातामा जम्मा गरी सक्कल भौचर पेस गर्नुपर्ने छ । रित नपुगी आएको दरखास्तउपर कुनै कारबाही हुने छैन ।

 परीक्षाको किसिम : लिखित तथा मौखिक

आवश्यक न्यूनतम योग्यता : लेखाविधि विषय लिई कम्तीमा द्वितीय श्रेणीमा कक्षा १२ उत्तीर्ण

सम्पर्क मिति : दरखास्त दिने अन्तिम मितिको भोलिपल्ट तलब तथा अन्य सुविधा नेपाल सरकारको नियमअनुसार

पदपूर्ति समिति

अन्नपूर्ण माध्यमिक विद्यालय

चामे, मनाङ

१२. दिइएको निमन्त्रणा पत्र पढ्नुहोस् र त्यस्तै किसिमको एउटा निमन्त्रणा पत्रको नमुना तयार पार्नुहोस् :

श्री मोती माध्यमिक विद्यालय 
शिवसताक्षी २. झापा
हार्दिक निमन्त्रणा

श्री ......................

माननीय शिक्षा, विज्ञान तथा प्रविधि मन्त्री ......ज्यूको प्रमुख आतिथ्यमा  सुसम्पन्न हुने यस विद्यालयको वार्षिकोत्सव तथा अभिभावक दिवस समारोहमा यहाँको गरिमामय उपस्थितिका लागि सादर आमन्त्रण गरिन्छ ।

मिति २०७७ माघ ८ गते बिहीबार
समय : दिनको ११ बजे
स्थान : विद्यालय प्राङ्गण

विद्यालय परिवार

Also Read : 

पाठ - 1 वीर पूर्खा।  । अभ्यास । कक्षा 11 नेपाली।

पाठ २  गाउँको माया  कक्षा ११ नेपाली अभ्यास

पाठ ३  संस्कृतिको नयाँ यात्रा कक्षा ११ नेपाली अभ्यास

 पाठ ४ योगमाया  कक्षा ११ नेपाली अभ्यास

पाठ ५   साथीलाई चिठी कक्षा ११ नेपाली अभ्यास

 Unit 6 Tyo Feri Farkala Exercise Class 11 Nepali |

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