Unit 7 Humour (Why do We Laugh Inappropriately ? ) Class 12 English Exercise | Summary|

 Language Development 

Unit 7 Humour (Why do We Laugh Inappropriately?) Class 12 English Exercise 

__David Robson

Welcome to this blog post! Here, you will find comprehensive notes on Unit 7 Humour, specifically focusing on the topic "Why do We Laugh Inappropriately?" This is a Class 12 English exercise note And Summary, created by Edubook author Ram Kumar Sah.

The blog post covers various aspects of the topic, including questions and answers, Summary,  grammar, critical thinking, writing, and comprehension. All of the necessary information is provided to help you understand the topic fully.

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Unit 7 Humour (Why do We Laugh Inappropriately ? ) Class 12 English Exercise | Summary|

Summary Of Unit 7 Humour Class 12 English 

Neuroscientist Sophie Scott explains the importance and intricacies of laughter as one of our most significant and misunderstood behaviors. She conducted experiments that show laughter is a social emotion that helps bring people together, no matter if the situation is actually funny. Laughing with someone indicates liking and agreement with them and laughter acts as an index of the strength of a relationship. Couples who laugh together find it easier to relieve tension and stay together longer. People who laugh together at funny videos are also more likely to open up about personal information. Laughter even correlates with an increased pain threshold and may encourage the release of endorphins to improve social bonding. Scott found the less authentic tones in laughter are more nasal while our involuntary belly laughs never come through the nose

Scott's research has revealed that laughter is not just a simple reflex, but rather a complex social signal that serves many different functions in human interactions. For example, she found that the sound of laughter itself triggers laughter in others, even without humorous content. This contagious effect can spread rapidly through a group of people, creating a sense of shared joy and camaraderie.

In addition to its social bonding function, Scott has also found that laughter can strengthen our physical and emotional well-being. For example, she has shown that laughter can increase pain tolerance, reduce stress, and improve mood. These effects are thought to be mediated by the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers and mood enhancers, in response to laughter.

Moreover, laughter can also be used as a tool for communication, allowing us to convey complex emotional states and attitudes in a non-verbal way. For example, different types of laughter can signal varying levels of politeness, intimacy, and sincerity. Scott's research has shown that people can distinguish between different types of laughter based on subtle cues such as tone, timing, and duration.

Scott's work challenged some long-held assumptions about humor itself. Contrary to popular belief, she has found that humor is not necessarily the main driver of laughter. People often laugh for reasons having little to do with anything funny. Instead, she argues that laughter is a tool for social bonding that we use in a wide variety of contexts, from small talk to serious discussions.

Scott's research has important implications for fields ranging from psychology and neuroscience to sociology and anthropology. By shedding light on the complex nature of laughter and its role in human interactions, she helps us to better understand what makes us human and how we relate to one another.

In conclusion, Sophie Scott's research on laughter is a fascinating example of how science can uncover hidden complexities of everyday experiences. By showing that laughter is not just a simple reflex, but a multifaceted social signal with many different functions, she has challenged our assumptions about humor. She has also illuminated the importance of human connection in our lives. As we continue to explore the mysteries of laughter, we may gain a deeper appreciation for the power of this uniquely human ability to bring joy, ease tension, and forge lasting bonds..

Unit 7 Humour Class 12 English Exercise 

Unit 7 Humour Exercise, Working with Words, Writing, Comprehension, Grammar, Critical Thinking, Class 12 English,

 Critical thinking 

a. Do you agree that 'the couples, who laugh together, stay together?' Is it important for married couples to have the same sense of humour? Why?

Answer:While there is no guarantee that laughing together will ensure a long-lasting marriage, having a shared sense of humor can certainly contribute positively to a couple's relationship. Humor can ease tension and stress, provide a break from difficult situations, and create a sense of closeness and intimacy between partners.

When couples share a similar sense of humor, they are more likely to find the same things funny and make each other laugh. This can be especially helpful in times of conflict or difficulty, when humor can help to diffuse tension and create a more positive and supportive atmosphere.

In addition, sharing a sense of humor can also be a sign of compatibility and shared values. It suggests that couples have similar worldviews and ways of looking at the world. This can help create a deeper sense of connection and understanding.

However, it's critical to note that couples don't necessarily have to have the same sense of humor to have a successful marriage. Different types of humor can be just as effective in bringing partners closer together. This is as long as both individuals are open to and respectful of each other's humor.

Ultimately, while a shared sense of humor can certainly contribute to a strong and healthy marriage, it's not the only factor that determines a relationship's success. Communication, trust, and mutual respect are also crucial components of a happy and lasting partnership..

b. Some people believe that sometimes crying is good for health. Do you believe it? Give your reasons.

Answer:Yes, I believe crying is good for one's health. Crying is a natural response to emotions, particularly sadness, grief, and pain. When we cry, our bodies release stress hormones like cortisol, adrenaline, and prolactin. These hormones can help reduce stress and tension, which benefits our physical and mental health.

Crying can also be cathartic, allowing us to release pent-up emotions and providing relief. When we cry, we may feel a sense of emotional release, and this can help us cope with difficult situations and emotions. It can help us process our feelings, gain clarity, and move forward.

Crying can also help us connect with others. When we cry in front of someone, we are often vulnerable and open. This can deepen our relationships and foster empathy and understanding.

However, it is critical to note that excessive crying or chronic psychological distress can also have negative effects on one's health. This includes increased risk of depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Additionally, crying used as a coping mechanism too often can lead to emotional avoidance and stunted emotional growth.

In conclusion, while crying can be helpful for our health in moderation, it is imperative to also engage in healthy coping mechanisms and seek support when needed. This is to avoid negative consequences.


B. Write a description of your favourite comedian explaining his/her personality, acting, performance and uniqueness. 


Jim Carrey

One of the most popular comedians of all time is Jim Carrey. He is known for his physical comedy, impressions, and witty humor. He has a unique and dynamic personality that allows him to captivate his audience with ease.

Jim Carrey's acting skills are exceptional, and he seamlessly transitions between comedic and dramatic roles. He is also known for his facial expressions and exaggerated body movements, which add to his humor.

When it comes to performing, Jim Carrey is known for his high energy and engaging stage presence. He connects naturally with his audience and keep them laughing throughout his show. He often uses his personal life experiences as material for his comedy, which gives his performances an intimate and relatable feel.

One of Jim Carrey's unique aspects is his ability to improvise. He often deviates from his planned material and goes off on tangents, which adds unpredictability and excitement to his performances. His comedic timing and delivery are impeccable, and he makes even the most mundane topics hilarious.

In conclusion, Jim Carrey is a legendary comedian known for his unique personality, exceptional acting skills, high-energy performances, and improvisational talents. His ability to connect with his audience and make them laugh is unparalleled. His impact on the comedy industry will be felt for generations to come.

The end 

Next Chapters: 

Unit 1 Critical Thinking (know Thyself) 

Unit 2 Family 

Unit 3 Sports 

Unit 4 Technology 

Unit 5 Education

Unit 6 Money and Economy 

Unit 8 Human and Culture

Unit 9 Ecology and Environment

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